In a world overflowing with gadgets and gizmos, where screens steal attention and connections seem distant, we present the stories of Sumo and Ginni, endearing siblings who call Aadimpur home in this charming city, where the concept of the internet is yet to dawn. Through their heartwarming tales, we bridge the gap between generations, inviting kids to embrace the timeless joy of reading away from the glaring screens.
Join us as we inspire a generation to embrace the joy of reading, rediscover the art of genuine connection, and embark on unforgettable adventures with Sumo and Ginni. Together, let's kindle the flame of imagination and make stories come alive once again.
But that's not all – every Sumo&Ginni book comes with a delightful blast from the past! Relive the nostalgia of the '90s with our special promotional gifts, adding a layer of joy to each reading experience.
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